Back in 2018 I self-published the Core ML Survival Guide, a 500-page ebook with lots of tips and tricks for getting the most out of Apple’s Core ML framework and mlmodel files. It’s the documentation that Apple didn’t write.

I’ve kept this book updated for every new version of Core ML, but I do not plan to write new material covering the features introduced with iOS 15 and macOS 12.
The most important changes announced at WWDC 2021 are a new package format, mlpackage, and a new model type called ML Programs that will eventually replace the old neural network models.
These new features are welcome improvements but they also make a lot of the Survival Guide irrelevant. And to be fair, Apple has been doing a better job of documenting Core ML recently.
That being said, if you are targeting older versions of iOS or macOS, or you cannot use the new mlpackage format or ML Program models for some reason, the Core ML Survival Guide will still be useful.
The book will remain for sale on Leanpub for the time being, but I wanted to be up-front about no longer updating it.
Thanks to the 500+ readers for supporting this book over the years!
First published on Wednesday, 1 September 2021.
If you liked this post, say hi on Twitter @mhollemans or LinkedIn.
Find the source code on my GitHub.
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